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Inside your new Library
Goring Library  is now back open to the public. Take a look at the photos below to see before and after the make-over!
The Library Latest

While the Library was closed for refurbishing, we wanted to chronicle what was happening and keep you up to date. So, without further ado, here's our timeline—we hope you enjoy following along!

Thursday 3rd October 2024

The Last Days at Goring Library

Before the movers come next week, Kate takes one last walk around the old library we've come to know so well.


Say goodbye to the old front desk!


The Children's Corner is eerily quiet...preparing itself for a magical makeover!

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Manager Kate locks up!

Monday 7th

Boxing-up Books and Shelving Shelves!

We opened up at 8.30 and the red boxes were delivered to fill with books. By lunch time all the books had gone to HQ. The rest of the library was packed up and was completely cleared by 3pm. Meanwhile, Libby the Library bear was watching everything from his chair!


It all looks rather empty now without books...


Libby the Library bear finally switched the computer off after sending the last e-mail!


The children's bookshelves quietly shuffle out of the back door in single file

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The big red boxes ready to be filled with books

Thursday 17th

Vacuuming Ceilings and Covering a Very Big Tapestry

The decorators are in and have already started applying fresh paint! First, though, some cleaning was in order! Transformation is under way. Are you excited to see the results? We certainly are!

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Henry helps out as the ceiling receives rare attention from the vacuum cleaner!

Cracks and imperfections be gone!

The iconic Goring tapestry also received a vacuum and has been covered for protection

Did you ever notice that we had a fireplace? If it makes you feel better, some of our volunteers didn't either!

Bright and freshened up nicely

Wednesday 23rd

New Carpets and Neatly Stored Books

The refurbishment is coming along nicely. This week the dusty carpets have been stripped out and replaced with a fresh blue and grey patterned number. We can also reassure those of you who have been wondering how our books are doing in (not so glamorous) storage!

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Perhaps our new calming blue carpet may help us out in the children's corner?

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Goring Library in its stacks at HQ with a very hungry caterpillar

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Saturday 26th

New Library,
New Books

While the library is getting a refresh, we're also refreshing our stock of books. We've secured £2,250 worth of fresh titles to improve our selection for you. Get ready to see them on our new shelves
when we re-open!

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Missing the Library?

The Manager is too, so much so that she's created her own Lego-library. We're not sure if the Library will look like this as the ladder is probably health and safety hazard!

Tuesday 5th November

In-desk-ribably Exciting

We have now got a new front desk!

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Project Manager Graham tries out Kate's new desk!

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Saturday 9th

Shelving Going in!

The new Library will have a range of dynamic new shelving that will make it easier to find that book you're looking for!

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Display shelves and book's nearly there. By Wednesday we shall have books!

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Thank you to Bunny from the Gap Textile Group for the brilliant new Story Rug for the Children's Corner!

Thursday 14th

The Books are Back...

With our new shelving now in, it has been busy in the Library as the books are now returning...with the help of a few pairs of hands! We can't wait to be back open this Saturday, see you there!

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The Story Sacks return...

Library Service Manager
Libby Returns

Libby observes the library from his armchair and seems to approve of the improvements...which is a relief!

Mark McCree - Service Manager: Libraries and Heritage (Big Boss) helps restock the shelves ready for Saturday

Friday 15th

A new day for the Library

Our refurbishment has now been completed and we have now re-opened to the public! Come in and have a look around, say hello and get back to borrowing!


We can't wait to see you at our new library. A big thank you to everyone who helped make this happen!

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